Biodiversity refers to the natural balance formed by the coming together of all plant, animal, microorganism species and genetic diversity living in an ecosystem. The protection of biodiversity in agriculture and animal husbandry is of critical importance in terms of both the sustainability of the ecosystem and the continuity of agricultural production.

The Balance Element of the Ecosystem
Biodiversity plays a key role in the protection of soil fertility, plant health and natural cycles. Different species naturally combat pests in the ecosystem, reduce plant diseases and improve soil structure. Thanks to this natural balance, farms need less chemical intervention, and the ability of the ecosystem to renew itself increases.

Local Seeds and Agricultural Diversity
Biodiversity in agriculture also includes the protection of different plant species and local seeds. Instead of monoculture (single type of agriculture), polyculture (growing multiple plant species) practices increase biodiversity in agricultural lands, increasing product yield and durability. In addition, the use of local seeds helps preserve genetic diversity and makes plants more resistant to environmental changes.

Protection of Natural Life
Protection of biodiversity requires the protection of natural habitats around agricultural areas. Natural habitats provide shelter and feeding areas for many species. Forests, wetlands and meadows should exist in balance with agricultural areas, which supports the sustainability of farms.

The Role of Bees and Pollination
Pollinators, especially bees, have an important place in the protection of biodiversity. Most plants are pollinated with the help of bees and other pollinators. The decline of bee populations can cause serious problems in agricultural production. Therefore, the protection of bees and other pollinators is of great importance in increasing biodiversity and ensuring food security.

Biodiversity for Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable agricultural practices contribute greatly to the protection of biodiversity. Methods such as organic farming, permaculture, agroecology both support efficient production and protect ecosystems. Reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides increases biodiversity and protects the health of soil and water resources.

Biodiversity is the cornerstone of a healthy ecosystem. Protecting biodiversity in agriculture and animal husbandry ensures sustainable food production not only today but also in the future.

Metta Farm

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